10 Coding and Tech Christmas Gifts for Children and Teens

Have you got a young girl or teen in your life whose interest in tech you want to nuture? Maybe you want to inspire them to check how great computers, electronics or coding is? I gathered a list of my favourite picks of gifts for the technologically-inclined this Christmas (In fact, most of them I have already bought as presents…). So in no particular order, I present:

Girl Code: Gaming, Going Viral, and Getting It Done
Girl Code is the true story following (and written by!) Sophie Houser and Andrea “Andy” Gonzales, two teenagers who met during the US Girls Who Code summer immersion program. During their summer, they created Tampon Run, a video game that uses humor and satire to combat the menstrual taboo.
I love this as it’s written with humour and relatability whilst exposing us to excitement of the tech scene for young graduates.
Check it out here: https://www.girlcodethebook.com/
Reinvented Magazine
Exclusive 20% Discount Code: GIRLSCODE20
I seriously love ReInvented Magazine, specifically because I know I really needed this growing up. I loved to read magazines but the only ones I could find were either REALLY techie (mainly for adults too!) or about fashion.
This magazine features DIY STEM Projects by Beauty and the Bolt, an advice column and exclusive interviews and showcases inspiring women in STEM such as Former U.S. CTO Megan Smith and Adafruit Founder Limor Fried.
Unfortunately, ReInvented only ships to the US at the moment but you can still use our discount code from anywhere in the world (and save trees) with the digital prints that get sent straight to you! As an added bonus, for every magazine bought, another magazine will be donated to a local library, school, or girls club.
Subscribe and buy here: https://www.reinventedmagazine.com/

Women in Science: 50 Fearless Pioneers Who Changed the World
This book is super well illustrated with comprehensive backgrounds to the most incredible women working in STEM.
The author and illustrator, Rachel Ignotofsky, has (FREE) colouring pages and other goodies to download also.

Read it here: https://www.rachelignotofskydesign.com/women-in-science
Scratch Computer Coding Games for Kids
I researched for ages to find the best intro to coding before I remembered this awesome one! I bought this last year when I began visiting schools to deliver workshops (way before Girls Code Too). Scratch is the perfect way to learn how to code and this book contains fun games and explains each step along the way.
Order it here: https://www.dk.com/uk/book/9780241209738-computer-coding-games-for-kids

Technology Kits

You might not have heard enough about how much I love the micro:bit, so here I go again…
There is just so much you can create with it, plus the easy drag and drop programming interface makes it fun and easy to pick up. Need ideas on what to create? Visit our Micro:Bit page here.
Checkout resellers here: https://microbit.org/resellers/
LEGO Technic
The LEGO technic range is fantastic for budding mechanical and electrical engineers. We especially love the Power Functions Motor Set which includes a medium motor, battery box, light cable, switch and additional pieces to really pimp out your models.

Raspberry Pi
I had one of these when I was learning to code… In fact I created a handful of tools using Python that would solve puzzle books for me.
The Raspberry Pi is essentially a mini computer which is low cost (~£30), and teeny tiny.
It plugs straight into a computer monitor or TV, and uses a standard keyboard and mouse. That’s all you need to get started! No need to fork out hundreds on a computer to get started with coding at home.
Get started here: https://www.raspberrypi.org/products/

Detective Dot Megapack
Exclusive 15% Discount Code: GIRLSCODETOO
At the centre of the Detective Dot megapack is a book detailing the life of Odoti, a 9yo CIA (Childrens Intelligence Agency) agent with the touch for technology as she investigates a global tech empire teaching coding concepts as she goes.
This megapack also contains fun missions, a personalised CIA letter, stickers plus a CIA membership!
We recommended keeping an eye on Detective Dot, also named the Independent’s Top Coding Toy for Kids, there looks like there is lots more to come!
Get started here: https://www.detectivedot.org/
Code Monkey Island
Need a board game for the whole family this Christmas?
Code Monkey introduces kids ages 8 and up to programming concepts used by real programmers. It takes about a minute to learn the rules and 45 minutes to play, and exposes kids to fundamental programming concepts like control structures, data structures, Boolean logic and operators, and assignment and mathematical operations.
Available from Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Code-Monkey-Island/dp/B00LTH8Y5G

Have any recommendations of your own? Let us know @GirlsCodeTooUK

Tori Tompkins is a Data Analytics Consultant at Advancing Analytics. She is the Founder of Girls Code Too UK and is passionate about bringing more young girls into the tech industry. Before joining Advancing Analytics, she studied BSc Cybersecurity and Forensic Computing at the University of Portsmouth and previously worked at Ernst & Young, Hampshire Police High Tech Crime Unit and Data Consultancy, Adatis.