Author: Tori Tompkins

Encode Secrets with the Pigpen Cipher

History of the Pigpen Cipher The Pigpen cipher is sometimes called the Freemasons cipher. This is because it was apparently used by a secret fraternity called the Freemasons in the 18th Century to keep all their records and secrets private from anyone who wasn’t part of their club. The Pigpen cipher is a substitution cipher…
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Encode Secrets with the Caesar Cipher

History of the Caesar Cipher The earliest and most famous cipher in history is the Caesar Cipher. It is named after Julius Caesar who supposedly used the cipher to pass messages between his generals. It is the first known type of substitution cipher – (a substitution cipher is any cipher that involves replacing letters from…
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Send Messages with Micro:Bit

Download this workshop and more from our Micro:Bit Beginners Bundle: 1. Navigate to and select new project. 2. From the blue basic menu, select and drag the ‘on start’ command into the editor box. 3. From the bright pink radio menu, select and drag the ‘radio set group’ command and place it within the…
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Tech Women In Media

Download this document here: Leave behind this document after your workshop to keep the conversation about women in technology going. This list contains an example of some super cool women in tech in age appropriate movies, tv and books. Can you think of any we missed? Document preview:

Design a Smart Device

These days smart devices are in almost all homes. Smart meters, Google Home and Amazon Echo are households names but have you heard of some more niche smart devices?

Create a Name Tag with Micro:Bit

Learn how to build a name tag with the Micro:bit in this beginners workshop.

10 Coding and Tech Christmas Gifts for Children and Teens

Have you got a young girl or teen in your life whose interest in tech you want to nuture? Maybe you want to inspire them to check how great computers, electronics or coding is? I gathered a list of my favourite picks of gifts for the technologically-inclined this Christmas (In fact, most of them I…
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How To Organise Your Day with A School

Sometimes you might have a school in mind, sometimes you even have contacts within that school. This makes the initial contact and conversation with the school very easy. Other times you would have no idea where to start (this was where I was the first time) and the task seems a bit more daunting. No fear! We’ve done this before…

Why I Started Girls Code Too UK

When I was 16, around the time I was selecting my A-Level subjects to study, I was being bullied. I selected my A-Level choices, partly by interest, mostly because I knew that the people responsible would not be in my classes. The subjects I selected were Physics, Mathematics, Electronics and Computing. I had never considered…
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